For your heart:

Why this works for me: The spiritual living room opportunity.

Here’s the thing guys…I have spent so much time—years and years “cleaning up” the outside to make it look pretty enough, slim enough, strong enough, tighten this and that, dress this up, eat this for that, hair up, hair down, suck in, tuck it in, button it up. Shall I continue?  I know you have too—come on—yes you have. I see you in me and me in you. That’s why we are here together. And it’s cool. I like that part. And that’s the thing—it’s only part of it. I find what truly feeds me, feeds my soul, drives me, and affords me the opportunity to live this practice on and off the mat is being real about what’s happening on this inside. In the dark and dusty corners. In the place where we are once taught to believe things are shameful or wrong or bad. When we hide that stuff and dress it up it gives it more power than is necessary. The longer it stays hidden the higher chance it has to turn into a pattern, a habit, an addiction. Something we need to numb out on or act upon in desire to push it down or away.  In the above practice we allow ourselves contraction to go in and look around with lights on.  To add expansion and open the heart and free it up! Not let it go. Just free it up. Move it. Possibly go in and gently lay with it—be kind to it. It’s been with you a long time. Move with it on its way out the door.  You’re leading it now. It’s not leading you anymore. This thing may come up over and over again, but just like any kind of practice, the more you go in and look it dead in the eyes and uninvite it, the more effective it is.  Try the above exercise for 1-3 minutes for a week or more.  Let me know how this works for you!

xx, Sarah

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